Wednesday, 19 March 2014

Reasons Necessitating the Inclusion of Health Supplements in your Daily diet

Experts in nutritional balancing are usually uncomfortable in adding health supplements to their dietary plans and insist on the inclusion of natural sources of proteins, vitamins and minerals-- in the meals of children and adults alike. However, there are many reasons that attribute to the important role of these products and their recommendation for a healthier you, take a look.

Why are Nutritional supplements Important for just about everyone?
  • Lack of nutrient content in regular food supply: With overgrazing and over-farming being an order of the day worldwide, there has been an increase in the levels of soil depletion. This in turn has led to food production that is low /lacking in minerals, vitamins and other vital nutrients.
  • Lower Nutrition in Hybrid Crops: Hybrid crops: do yield more per hectare but boast of lower nutrient value than the food grown in the years gone by. For instance, the wheat produced today contains 6 percent of protein while that produced about ten decades ago contained a whopping 12-14 percent. The presence of trace minerals in contemporary crops is also lower.
  • Contemporary fertilizers are lacking in trace elements: In comparison to manures, superphosphate fertilizers of modern times contain higher levels of potassium, nitrogen, and phosphorus but are deficient in trace elements. This makes it essential for you to include health suppliments such as those supplied by Himalaya products in your diet.
  • Requirement of extra nutrients by the body: The deadly chemicals contained in the pesticides that reach our blood stream, require higher levels of nutrients for combating /processing the same.
  • Long-distance transportation of food products diminishes nutritional content: After being harvested, food products start diminishing in their nutritional value and content. In contemporary times, vegetables, fruits and cereals are usually transported through long distances before reaching your town or city; thus rendering them lower in minerals and vitamins content.
  • Spraying, irradiation or processing of fruits: A large percentage of agricultural produce of the world is concentrated in countries like Asia, South America and China. These places are often miles away from the areas in which their products (especially fruits) are sold. As transportation is often slow in nature, these food products are treated in various ways to retain their freshness and look. However, in spite of best efforts, they end up getting moldy or losing their intrinsic worth –without you knowing.
Along with the various reasons stated above, food refining and processing methods also take a toll on the nutritional content of common foods like rice, wheat flour, dairy products and so forth. While freshly canned sardines and fresh frozen vegetables are preserved quickly after being harvested, homogenization and pasteurization of dairy products reduces the bioavailability of phosphorus, calcium and some proteins–necessitating the inclusion of health suppliments and Himalaya products in your lifetime.

However, do remember to consult your physician or health advisor before you go ahead and pop in these pills/ tablets or reach out for a spoon to mix your supplements in a glass of water, juice or milk. This is important to avoid any complications in future.

Fish Oil for Children—the Big Catch

Thomas was hyperactive and very frivolous with his chapters. At 12 years of age, his parents started noticing a slight transformation in him.He started becoming more organized than before--the reason being attributed to a regular dosage of fish oil for children. There were differences in his keenness to perform, overall attention span and the ways in which he behaved with his peers and teachers alike. Going a long way in alleviating the signs of autism, dyslexia and Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD); the role of kids fish oil is quite promising.

Is fish oil the right source for Omega -3?

Oil fish like sardines, mackerel or salmon are high in natural Omega-3 fatty acid—a vital ingredient for brain functions and overall cardiac health. In today’s time, the diet presented to your child boasts of paltry levels of oily fish, thus leading to a deficiency of omega-3. Reputed brands are now promoting the goodness of omega-3s in their kids fish oil products. Whether it is about delivering burned omega-3 in specially manufactured sliced bread or yoghurt or offering it in the form of strawberry-flavored, chewy, fish oil supplements—inclusion of fish oil in your child’s diet is important.

How do I believe that Omega -3 will help my/my child’s mental and physical state?

Well, here is what we can tell from research studies conducted by scientists. They have managed to establish that healthy adults with lower levels of omega-3 are more likely to be pessimistic, depressed and impulsive than their counterparts. Presence of adequate levels of Omega-3 also helps patients with a history of borderline personality disorder and schizophrenia. However, when it comes to a child’s academic performance and behavior, the evidences are slightly mixed. It’s true that omega-3 supplements are helpful for children with certain developmental disorders like ADHD, autism, or dyspraxia. However, parents stuffing their healthy kids with fish oil pills at the breakfast table should be aware that behavioral problems with kids are generally multi-factorial in nature and cannot be treated by fish oil alone.

So, what is the way forward?

Fish oil supplementation for kids is a raging topic among parents and health care advisors alike. Expensive and often beyond the reach of some families, fish oil pills and add-ons are known to be good for your child’s heart too. So, if you are not being able to serve at least two portions of fish to your child every week (one of which should definitely be oily: tuna (fresh), trout, sardines, salmon, mackerel and herring); you may rely on cod liver/fish oil for their omega-3 intake for the required nutritional worth.

In a nutshell, fish oil is an important part of your child’s diet—in its natural form or through supplements and pills. Are you ready for the big catch—in the form of fish oil for your kid?

Advantages of Turning to Health Medicines and Products

Herbal products and medicines are fast becoming an important choice for people globally. The popularity of these products is fueled by their healthier ways of healing and preservation of body’s natural resources. Easily grown in your own backyard or found in the wild, herbs are now making their way into laboratories and via the products sold in your local pharmacy.

What are herbal products and medicines and how can you benefit from them?

Oft serving as an alternative for medicines manufactured commercially, herbal medicines and supplements are produced from100 percent content of natural resources and plant extracts. Their medicinal values are akin to those contributed by modern drugs, minus their heavy cost and side effects. For instance herbs like bayabas, sambong, ampalaya, banaba and many others are being used widely in Philippines to treat various illnesses and health conditions.

The other countries are not far behind—with health experts and governmental authorities recommending and approving most of these health care products and medicines manufactured from natural ingredients. Read on for the many benefits that affirm the effectiveness of herbal medicines-- in more ways than one.

Natural Qualities Galore

In the contemporary scenario, when quite a few commercially available products are having an adverse effect on the health of their consumers and inflicting unwarranted side effects; these natural products are proving to be the safest best for health experts and patients alike. For instance, Bio-strath Elixir, a herb based formula, reduces health risk to a great extent and is favored by people looking for that little bit extra for a healthier life. Bio-strath Elixir is yeast based and effective in providing extra support for better bodily constitution and metabolic activities alike.

Easily Available

Plants and herbs required for manufacturing these health products are easily available in various parts of the world. In addition, the raw materials required for these preparations and concoctions are relatively inexpensive and do not require rigorous procedures for their growth.

Very Effective

The herbs and plant extracts used in medicines are well researched upon, recognized and approved by the medical community. They have been proved to be effective in treating a multitude of illnesses. For instance Ampalaya is known to contain medicinal properties required for lowering a patient’s level of blood sugar and keeping the other symptoms of Diabetes under control—to quite a large extent.

Cost Effective and Practical

Apart from those mentioned above, there are other reasons for patronizing these easy-to make therapies; they are practical and cost –effective as well. Considerably cheaper than commercially manufactured drugs, they often produce similar or more effective results!

Sp, if you are looking towards other solutions for reducing the signs of your health concerns or desirous of affordable and proven measures to treat the same, then do seek an appointment with an expert in natural health medicines –you will not be disappointed.

A Peep into the Constituents of Health Supplements for Kids

Minerals and vitamins are the two essential elements linked with the overall nutritional requirements of your children. These are needed by the body in small quantities and are sufficiently provided by the balanced diet that is served to your youngsters. In general, health supplements and multivitamins are rarely needed during middle childhood—but then there are exceptions. Pediatricians may recommend a regular dosage of the same for some kids—especially if they are prone to eating highly selective diets or suffer from erratic eating habits or a poor appetite. Chewable tablets in multi flavors are also available on the racks and are appropriate for those who have difficulties in swallowing pills.

Before we go into the various benefits linked with health supplements and multivitamins, do remember that excessive intake of these over-the-counter tablets, capsules and other forms of these products—especially fat-soluble vitamins (A, D, E, & K) can prove to be toxic. However, these important contributors to your child’s health come packaged with some essential minerals and vitamins. These are :

Vitamin A

Promoting healthy skin, normal growth, and tissue repair, Vitamin A also helps in aiding color and night vision. The natural sources include dairy products, yellow vegetables, and liver.

B Vitamins

Vitamin B and its various other sub groups of vitamins are useful in promoting the formation of red blood cells and also assist in many metabolic activities. Found in their natural form in soybeans, milk, eggs, whole grains, cereals, meat, poultry, fish and enriched breads; Vitamin B is one of the most important ingredients for your child’s overall development.

Vitamin C

Functional in strengthening muscles, connective tissue and skin, as well as hastening the healing of bones and wounds, increasing resistance to colds and infections; Vitamin C is present in strawberries, tomatoes, citrus fruits, potatoes, spinach, Brussels sprouts and broccoli.

Vitamin D

Vitamin D promotes bone and tooth formation and is effective in regulating the absorption of minerals such as calcium. Its valuable sources include fortified margarine and dairy products, egg yolks and fish oils. Sunlight is also an excellent source of vitamin D.

Along with the above, these supplements also contain iron (required for building of muscles, production of blood and increasing susceptibility to infection) and calcium (needed for healthy bone development). While calcium is found in vegetables like and broccoli and spinach, yogurt, sardines, cheese and low-fat milk; the good sources of iron include beef, liver, cereals, turkey, pork, beans, spinach and prunes.

Before going ahead and prescribing supplements like haliborange kid multivitamins to your kids, you must seek the advice of your family health and act likewise. If taken in large doses or at irregular intervals, these products can end up being more harmful than beneficial.

So, are you ready to say “hello” to your more energetic and healthier child –the right way?