Vitamins and minerals—these are the essential nutritional components that work overtime and take care of the nutritional needs of your children. Widely prevalent in health supplements and other standardized products like haliborange kid multivitamins, they go a long way in maintaining the good health of your little ones and laying down the right platforms for their overall mental growth and development.
These elements are not required by the human body system in very large quantities and their requirements are well replenished by consuming the right food sources and dietary products. However, in most cases, due to a depletion in the quality of vegetables and fruits in the market, an increase in the consumption of junk foods, poor lifestyle and diet restrictions; their presence needs to be complemented with the help of external products and health supplements.
In general, these multivitamins are not required for very young children and their requirements of essential elements like minerals, vitamins, carbohydrates and proteins is gratefully met by the food served on their platter—but then, there are many nutritionally deficient children that require a little more attention in the form of health drinks, capsules and pills.
Under the circumstances, pediatricians and health care experts end up recommending a regular dose of some worthwhile health based products—especially to children addicted to consuming highly selective diets, boasting of a poor appetite or suffering from erratic eating habits. Most of these valuable products are available on the racks of health stores and online portals dedicated to the cause of bringing about positive improvements in the health of children on a global basis.
You may also go ahead and introduce your kids to chewable tablets that are easily available in many interesting colors and flavors and prove to be appropriate for those find it difficult to swallow pills. The main advantages of investing in these supplements are that you can package your child’s health with the right ingredients for proper physical/mental development. The most common being:
Vitamin A
It promotes normal growth, healthy skin and tissue repair; It also aids color and night vision. Dairy products, yellow vegetables and liver are the naturally available sources of vitamin A.
B Vitamins
Vitamin B as well as its various other sub groups, is extremely useful in assisting several metabolic activities and promoting the formation of red blood cells. The many sources of these Vitamins include milk, eggs, soybeans, whole grains, enriched breads, meat, poultry, cereals and fish.
Vitamin C
Essential for strengthening connective tissue, muscles and skin, Vitamin C is present in citrus fruits, potatoes, strawberries, tomatoes, Brussels sprouts, spinach, and broccoli. Vitamin C or Ascorbic Acid hastens the healing of bones /wounds; increases the resistance to infections and wards away cold.
Get ready to include these products in the life of your children –the healthy way!